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How Learning To Disconnect Changed My Life

Social media detoxes are the new trend these days and I totally get why. But the fact of the matter is is that they are realistically sometimes hard to implement. I know this especially is true for myself when the majority of the work I do involves social media in some regard. But here is the deal. We can so easily become so consumed by what's going on in the world, notifications, text messages etc. that we lose sight of the world right in front of us. I know I myself have been guilty of getting too distracted with my virtual world from time to time. So, what's a girl to do that not only has a blog to keep up with but also multiple virtual clients who often need me to be available to answer questions for them throughout the week? How do I implement a more balanced approach with my virtual world and one that I can maintain? I used to ponder these questions often. Thankfully now, I have learned several tactics and implemented several rules for myself that have helped me disconnect completely at times while also allowing me adequate time to check in. Maybe these will help you too?

  • I spend about 15 minutes checking my notifications each morning after I pray and do my devotion with coffee before the kids wake up. This is also when I will post and share on Instagram/Facebook and my blog.

  • I don't check my social media or email at all during the day (it used to be multiple times a day).

  • My phone is always set on "do not disturb". This means that I often miss texts and calls but this has helped me so much mentally to not always feel on call.

  • I try and only call people while I am doing the dishes or laundry. This may sound silly but it allows me to be more present with my kids and it also offers me a respite from my two most hated chores lol. I also return calls while driving however I try my best to not do this on the way to or from school so I can spend time talking to my kids.

  • Each evening after the kids go to bed I repeat my morning routine and then check all my accounts and respond accordingly.

  • Saturday mornings are now my designated blogging time (generally while I watch the kids play outside or in the pool after breakfast.) In the beginning when my blog was just taking off I felt like I was blogging a little here and a little there and it became overwhelming. Now, I enjoy knocking my blog posts out in a couple of hours with a cup of coffee on Saturday mornings and being done for the week.

  • I try and have phone free, technology free dates with my husband on Mondays and Friday evenings. Typically, Monday's are dinner dates at a restaurant and Friday's are home dates. This technology free time allows us to reconnect and check in with each other without any distractions.

  • I tell all my clients that I have a 24 hour return policy where I promise to get back to them within a day or two at most. This means that I no longer put pressure on myself to respond right away like I used to but it also ensures my clients a relatively prompt answer at the same time.

These are just a few of the ways I have found freedom and balance in a tech savy, social media engrossed world. Thankfully, I can now say that I no longer feel the need to go on a social media detox because I no longer feel a slave to it like I used to. Setting up personal boundaries as an entrepreneur, blogger and working mama have truly been life changing for me! Maybe it is about time you do the same?

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