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Slowing Down During The Holidays

Thinking back to my childhood, the holidays seemed so care free and magical. But, somewhere along the way, "adulting" got in the way and I started to notice that I would feel burnt out almost every year by the time Christmas came around. Can anyone else relate? I decided that I didn't like feeling this way so, a few years ago I decided to do the best I could to slow down and soak up the little moments. But if I am being honest, it really wasn't until having kids that I really realized how important slowing down really was. Having kids was a huge turning point for me. Experiencing things again that I used to enjoy as a child with my children became really important to me. I love to see my kids eyes light up when they see Christmas lights or when we decorate gingerbread houses as a family and I didn't want to be too busy to miss these sweet times! So, I'm striving to say no more to the things that don't fulfill me and yes to the things that I know matter the most! How are you striving to slow down this holiday season? What are you favorite holiday traditions?

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