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A Little Friday Introduction & A Little Message On Hope

Happy Friday friends! For those that don't know, my name is Laura. I am a Christian, a wife (going on almost 15 years woot woot!), a mama of a seven-year-old little girl and a four-year-old little boy and I am also an avid health and food junkie. Ten years ago, I became a certified nutritionist through AFPA, six months ago I became a partner with fit20 USA and as of next month I will officially be a three-time published author (I can't even begin to tell you what a dream come true it is to type those words!). Okay so moving forward, I will just tell you that I am a woman of many, many passions and aspirations. However, if I had to narrow it down, I would have to say that helping our society change their way of thinking in regard to food and mental health would be at the top of my list.

I have been very open in my books and blog by choosing to obediently share my story but for those that don't yet know, I will just tell you openly that I have struggled. Mannn, have I struggled and not in just one area but in both my relationship to food (I was nearly anorexic at the age of 20) and my battle against depression and anxiety all throughout my 20's. But now, and at the age of 32, I can happily report that I feel healed and have clear direction with both my physical and mental health. Of course I still have my hard days just like anyone else but truly, I feel that I am not just seeing the light at the end of the tunnel anymore but instead, I am now basking in it. But, my growth journey doesn't end here though. In fact, in many ways I feel that I am just getting started.

You see, I am a strategist, and I always am striving to better myself physically, mentally and spiritually so that I can better show up for God, my loved ones and myself in the greatest way possible. I have come such a long way but I think it would be ignorant to say that I have "made it" because truly, I still have a lot to learn and much more room to grow. But today I can happily say that I am truly happy, healthy and at peace and I can thank no other than God for all He has brought me through.

Now, I don't know where you find yourself today on your journey but just know that if you are struggling physically, mentally and/or spiritually there IS hope and it is my prayer that maybe something I share on my blog or in my books will encourage you to not give up but instead press on with joyful anticipation of all the beauty that is to come. Because really, God has great plans to prosper you my friend. So, wherever you find yourself today just choose to believe in your heart that good things are coming your way. Because I promise you, they are. But let me leave you with a little piece of straight forward advice. You have to be ready and willing to put in the work. There will be days you won't want to press forward and keep going but just know that if you do, God will bless you for your diligence and you will thank yourself in the end that you did (trust me on this). Keep leaning in on God and keep running this beautiful race called life and let discouragement from the world and from others around you fall to the side. Anyways, all serious and transformative talk aside, I wish you guys the best weekend! Feel free to comment below and tell me how you plan on spending it!

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